Written by Chris Langenberg

Horror My Friend are hands down my favourite band in Australia and it seems I'm not the only one. The 3-piece from Adelaide have impressed some industry big dogs this year which has landed them with slots on Groovin The Moo, Blurst of Times, Yours & Owls Festival, BIGSOUND (and our first birthday and Against the Grain). After the release of their first record last year anticipation for their next has been excruciating and with tastes of what's to come through singles DIYS and Admit None, it is easy to expect that the next record is going to be a big one. We gave Horror My Friend a disposable camera to take on their tour for single DIYS earlier this year and I recently spoke with Tom from the band.
Admit None tour is halfway through have you seen a change in the crowds since the DIYS tour?
Yeah for sure! It’s amazing to have seen the difference over the last year, especially in Brisbane and Wollongong! More people in general and people shouting our songs back to us. We’re just happy that anyone cares about what we do.
How was Yours and Owls last week? Were there any standouts?
Yours and Owls was great, I was an absolute husk of the man I used to be afterwards, but a happy husk. I personally really enjoyed Wavves, White Blanks and At The Drive In, but my standout was easily Good Boy. I heard Tom Lindeman is a shit teacher though.
Tell me about the upcoming album, who did you get to produce it and do you have a release date/estimate?
We’re still in the process of mixing it, but drums were recorded by Dylan Adams (DMA’s) who is in a absolute legend and is able to pull some crazy drum sounds. Everything else was recorded by our mate Colby Robertson, who plays in Siamese, he’s a young boy, but a good boy. Currently, it’s being mixed by Rory Attwell (Die! Die! Die!, Yuck, Male Bonding, etc.). The album is definitely a lot less pop and much darker/shoegaze.
You recently played BIGSOUND, how many industry connections did you make?
I don’t think we made one, we just made lots of party connections. But, I guess that counts as industry connections at Bigsound? I dunno, pls confirm.
Do you have a stop on this tour you were/most looking forward to?
I think other than Yours & Owls the Brisbane show, just because we get to play with Deafcult (AOTY 2017) and Sweater Curse (Nicest people on the planet 2017).
Which Nicholas Cage character do you feel you relate with the most?
Probably the one he plays in Mortal Kombat. Wait, is he even in that movie? Oh it’s Johnny Cage. I don’t know, I’m sorry.
Anyway, check out the good times as captured by the disposable below...