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Dr Sure's Unusual Practice

Melbourne new-wave art-punks Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice emerged from the Australian underground as a potent force and clarion voice with their 2019 debut The West, followed by 2020’s fiery (pun intended) EPs, Scomo Goes to Hawaii and While Aus Burns. Their powerful new album, Remember the Future? is a 31-minute whammy of 10 propulsive post-punk anthems which document the dystopian absurdity of our times, informed by an innate hopefulness and staunch belief in a better future.


Led by Dougal Shaw (also known as Marthouse label founder and guitarist for Cash Savage and the Last Drinks), with Miranda Holt, Jake Suriano and Tali Mahoney - more familiar faces from acts like Hideous Sun Demon, Kosmetika, Checkpoint, Enola and more within the thriving Melbourne punk community.


Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice are making post-modern post-punk that’s most often compared to Tropical Fuck Storm and Devo. “Dr Sure” was a nickname (Dougal’s initials, D.R. Shaw) that became an alter ego. The persona of Dr Sure channels the snake-oil grifter energy of the post-Trump era - a cooked candyman straight out of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium prescribing self-medications for every neo-liberal capitalist ill from his bottomless briefcase.


A potent act of “laughtivism” - developing a visual universe of surrealist music videos and album art - the satirical edge of Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice cuts through Murdoch media manipulation, Canberra corruption, capitalist collapse and fossil fuel fuckery, prompting Rolling Stone to dub them ‘one of the most important bands in Melbourne’.

Catch Dr Sure's Unusual Practice on the 1st of October at GRAIN's Birthday Weekender.
Tickets | More info

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